5 Ways to Improve Office Productivity

Long days at the office can seem endless and the work can sometimes drag on forever. If the days are starting to blend together, your work can start to fall behind. When you’re feeling tired or bored your performance levels certainly start slipping. Check out these great and simple ways to boost your productivity at the office and produce the best work possible!


  1. Keep Organized

Whether it is your physical desk, or your desktop, make sure everything is nice and tidy! Sometimes a cluttered work space can distract you and cause problems when you need to find a document or file. Take the time to clean up your physical work space and file certain documents according to importance. Next, move onto your computer. Make sure there are not too many files taking up room on your desktop- keep things clean and simple. Also, take the time to organize your email! An organized inbox is important for keeping on top of vital information and dates. Create folders in your inbox and categorize each email based on importance and relevance. We can also help with any internal speed issues or data cabling!


  1. Take a Break for Lunch

It’s common for employees to eat at their desk and just work through lunch, but this is not always the best way to get things done. Although taking the time to get up from your desk may interrupt the work flow a little, it’s very important to take the time to relax, eat and breathe. Walking away from your desk for a lunch break can improve your productivity in the long run. You will have more energy, and will not be as resentful of your workspace.


  1. Enforce Creativity

Many times we stray away from creativity in the workplace, especially if the environment is strict and already set in its ways. However, whether you believe it or not, creativity can be a vital part of an employee’s productivity. Things may be working well now, but trying something new once in a while can really pay off. Thinking outside the box sounds cliché but the rewards are worth it! There’s a variety of ways to get creative in the workplace, so try some out today!


  1. Reconsider meetings

Meetings take up a huge part of any employee’s or manager’s work day. Meetings can be productive, but most of the time they are more time-consuming than necessary. Instead of being so quick to book a meeting about every single little thing, think about if the conversation can be had over the phone, through a skype chat or over an email.


  1. Stay Hydrated

This may sound simple and not very profound, but water can be such an important factor in your productivity. When sitting at a desk all day, especially if it’s a busy day, we can easily forget to drink up. Although you may not feel thirsty or flushed, drinking at least two water bottles throughout the day will make you feel a whole lot better and keep you motivated to work harder!



Office productivity can also be improved by increasing the speed of your computers or changing the network. For more tips and advice give us a call today or check out our services!

4 Tips for Computer Maintenance

Computer maintenance is important for any business or household, because it is what keeps things running efficiently. In today’s day in age most businesses rely heavily on their computers and networks operating smoothly for the sales and service of the business, and most households rely on their technology to keep everyone happy. However, there are a few rules of thumb both businesses and families should be following when it comes to computer maintenance!


  1. Backing Up Is Your Best Friend

Most people like to put off backing up their computers or networks because it “will take too long” or it’s more effort than we wish. However, it is not that difficult and it will save you a lifetime of stress if something were to happen to your device. Companies should be implementing back-ups on a regular basis, and families should get in the habit of doing the same.


  1. Virus Protection

It’s always important to make sure your network is safely protected from viruses on the Internet or bugs that can attack your personal information and shut down your computers.


  1. Know Who to Call

When something goes wrong with your computer or network, you should have a contact or service readily available to help you resolve the issue quickly. Many businesses think that having an in-house team for computer service is right. While it’s not necessarily wrong, outsourcing your computer issues can be incredibly useful. That way you’re not paying someone full-time, you don’t have to provide benefits and an external company most likely has more experience and equipment to resolve the issue. Same goes for a household, a company like Black Tie IT can fix your computer and network issues much faster and more efficiently than other options!


  1. Keep Things Clean!

Take some motherly advice and clean! Taking the time to clear space and clean up your computer is so important. It can affect the speed of your computer, the ability to easily find files and your overall daily routine! Take the time to do little things like

  • Empty your digital trash
  • Delete duplicated files or pictures
  • Clear your history once in a while
  • Create folders
  • Exit out of tabs/windows that aren’t being used
  • Keep up with the back-ups

Utilize these tips to keep your computer running the best is possibly can! If you are still having issues, give us a call today!